Skinflint Sunday: Experiment with ginger.

Saw this post about planting ginger. It got me thinking. Using a wicking box for moisture, putting it facing north in a protected place – wouldn’t that replicate tropical conditions as much as is possible in Melbourne? Anyway, I’m going to try it. The boys bring back ginger from their Dad’s shop, because Tom21 likes to use it in his breakfast smoothies, so I have plenty kicking around here. Let’s see how it goes! (It’s like the Great Pumpkin Experiments every year…. I still haven’t given up on pumpkins, by the way. There’s a couple of unfortunate guinea pigs germinating in the greenhouse even as we speak.)

Here’s a decorating idea for Scott, who’s taken on a massive renovation.

I wrote the previous paragraphs yesterday, and this morning I was going to wander around with a camera and complete this post with photos, but little Molly, who’s been battling with a heart condition for the last few months, has suddenly taken a turn for the worse. She’s 12.5 , which is a reasonable age for a Cavalier, though I would’ve liked her to go on for a bit longer than this. I’m fond of her, after all. I’m planning on racing around getting things out of the way this morning, just in case a visit to the vet and a green dream is warranted. I think it probably is: she’s having difficulty breathing, can’t hold her bladder and she has no interest in food or drink. She’s lethargic and doesn’t want to move, though when I sat down beside her on the path this morning she mustered the energy to climb into my lap like she always does.

Poor little Molly. She’s the sweetest, most loving little dog you could wish for.

Thermomix recipe: Very special fried rice

3 thoughts on “Skinflint Sunday: Experiment with ginger.

  1. we were discussing last night the different between ginger ale and ginger beer. I had a bourbon with ginger liqueur and some ginger beer – lovely! No thermomix though.

  2. So sorry your little Molly is poorly. I had a Siamese cat that made it to 23 (lived with us longer than our son) he was kept going by our friendly vet with steroid shots every 3 months. We were so sad when he went we haven’t been game to have another pet since. I pushing for a Westie at the moment as I think we need the entertainment. Thinking of you over the next 24hrs and sending hugs.

  3. I saw your sad news on FB this morning and my heart goes out to you all – I know how yours is breaking. I have read so many of your stories involving little Molly over the years, that I feel like I almost know her. Hugs.

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