14 thoughts on “Saw this on FB and had to share.

  1. The world does not need discrimination of any sort IMHO.

    Proposition 8 is, or should be, anathema to anybody who calls themself a human being.

    This man has my support 100%.

  2. I love Keith Olbermann. He was one of the few who I could stand to listen to, even if I didn’t always agree with him. I happen to agree with him on THIS subject…and he said it beautifully!

  3. What passion, common sense and straight-speaking from the heart. It is a disgrace that today in 2011 so many people in this big world of ours still suffer prejudice and are denied equal rights.

  4. Very well said.

    A few years back I had a sociology teacher who was gay and she explained to us exactly the lengths her and her partner have had to go to just to give each other the same legal rights to make decisions on each others behalf that a married couple would have if the other was hospitalised, incapacitated or died. It is a ridiculous situation that a committed couple should have to jump through so many hoops to have similar rights to those that married, heterosexual couples take for granted.

    I truly hope that common sense and compassion rule the day soon.

  5. Dear FD,

    Thank you for this link, I believe that they base this all on “FEAR” that is to say False Evidence Appearing Real. I will now go and say a few mantras to clear some toxic thoughts as I do get angry about all of this..

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